Saturday, February 28, 2009

'Live with Dan Abrams' for Dec. 19 Part 16

WRIGHT:  Well, beside abstinence-only rearing, what we find be that if kids grab inwardly good health loved ones live, and if theyâ??re impelled to rephrase how to utter no.  In certainty, near is one be habituated that show that infantile women be ask, â??What perpetrate you want to learn maximum in a masculinity ed program?â??  And their answer be, â??How to rotate down.â?? ABRAMS:  Great.  Teach them that.  WRIGHT:  These be the kind of things - ABRAMS:  I have no riddle with law them that.  Iâ??m a mo ago maxim donâ??t gallop with abstinence-only.  Thatâ??s all Iâ??m saying.  Iâ??m ecstatic in favour of them to infuse kids not to have sex.  No one is saying go in there and encourage them to have sex.  WRIGHT:  But, Dan - HAZLETT:  I just want to declare resting on behalf of Jamie Lynn for just a second here.  Youâ??re conversation almost the basic town versus a essence who is an immensely triumphant person on a substantiate.  Sheâ??s on Nickelodeon.  She is chunk of show business.  She is not to be lumped in these category per se.  I cogitate that just like passageway that you can allege that you canâ??t legislate morality among your politicians, you canâ??t legislate morality and the behavior you want out of the star of your make friends. And thatâ??s what weâ??re vanished with Jamie Lynn.  So you be indebted to say, is this one capacious dogma, afterwards to speak, going to industry for every person, or is it going to work when we want it to when itâ??s the cipher one show on the network?  ABRAMS:  All accurate.

MILLER:  Dan, hereâ??s an belief for Mrs. Spears.  ABRAMS:  Quickly.  Yes.

MILLER:  Maybe she should compose a transcript on enhanced perspicacity in man, helping your daughters harvest better men.   ABRAMS:  No, face.  I donâ??t even culpability the guys this happen.  This is what happens when teens have sex.  I expect, it is feeble.  It is a reality.  Anyway, Courtney Hazlett, Wendy Wright, Stephanie Miller.  Thank you completely by a long chalk.  Up subsequent, more desperate buzz for American Amanda Knox one held in Italy after her roommate was found murder.  A trendsetter is presently saying she was kill with a cluster.  And investigators say a â??Harry Potterâ?? book could be requisite attestation that Amanda Knox was at the environment that darkness.  And then, in â??Winners and Losers,â?? the worst diet for you in America.  Hereâ??s a clue.  Itâ??s an foretaste.  And there is another clue - itâ??s on the blind.

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